Edition 7


If you have a particular interest in one or more of the below topics, be sure to check out the Additional Resources section further down the page.

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Select one of the images below to start reading!


Why we need to talk about social housing

How often do you hear about social housing? In this article, we take a look at how public silence and political floundering on Australian soil has fuelled a strong stigma blurring our day-to-day conceptualisation of social housing. Social housing can look vastly different: let’s talk about it.

Veronica Lee | Communications Director

Connie Gamble | National Affairs Director

The generationally driven shift towards ‘purpose over paycheck’

What does the business response to a growing millennial conscience and desire to create an impact in their careers look like? Anita explores how the incorporation of compassionate, innovative and sustainable practices can not only attract the best employees but also boost loyalty, productivity and morale in the workplace.

Anita Jiang | Sponsorships & Partnerships Director

Introspection, impact and our ideas of success

As young adults with a little extra time to ourselves, a lot of us may have found the time for deeper introspection. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer possibilities of pathways we can take as individual, and how our conceptualisations of success and impact are deeply central to our perspective. In this article, Faith takes a deeper look into what all this really means for us as individuals, and how we can approach the big picture.

Faith Lee | Vice President of Initiatives

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Find out more here:

  • Effective Altruism - Peter Singer’s TED talk

    A key proponent of effective altruism, Singer delves into the question of: what is the best we can do?

  • Productivity Commission Housing Report

    For those interested in a closer look at the housing situation in Australia, this offers insight into the data.

  • Housing crisis? How about housing solution.

    A TED Talk by Professor Nicole Gurran, the Director of the AHURI Research Centre, explaining the reasons why Australia is facing this current housing crisis


Edition 8


Edition 6