Edition 8


If you have a particular interest in one or more of the below topics, be sure to check out the Additional Resources section further down the page.

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Select one of the images below to start reading!


GDP: misguiding the prosperity narrative

When we pursue GDP growth, what vision of prosperity are we striving toward? In this article, Nina, Julian and Connie explore the oversights of a metric that plays a pivotal role in shaping national policy, shedding light on the dangers of conflating economic growth with a holistic conception of prosperity and wellbeing.

Nina Lo | Vice President Student Engagement

Julian Scaturchio | Initiatives Consultant

Connie Gamble | National Affairs Director

Superannuation: the growing gateway for conscious investors

For young people, research has shown we tend to overestimate how well we understand our superannuation options. In this piece, Sunny explores the often ignored potential of superannuation as a powerful investment option for young workers, underscoring its ability to critically shape the future of not only our economy, but our society too.

Sunny Lin | Communications Officer

Learning and awe: the power of embracing your inner child to make a social impact

In this reflective piece, Ben explores the value of awe cultivation and learning as a means to having life-affirming experiences, fulfilment, and making a sustainable and tangible social impact.

Ben Griffiths | Vice President of Operations

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Find out more here:

  • Utopia for Realists - Rutger Bregman

    Bregman takes a step back to look at the world as it is today compared to utopias of past eras: have we evolved the way we hoped to, or at least the way we thought we would? To envision utopia is to distil our morals, ethics and conceptions of progress into a future. In a world wrought with complex, interconnected (and oftentimes structural) challenges, attempting to envision such a utopia for today’s world can seem overwhelming. In his book, Bregman tackles a complex, global array of questions, from the prospect of a universal basic income to pursuing a 15 hour work week. Recommended for those who seek a big-picture analysis of the state of the world, and potential for progress.

  • Responsible Investing Association Australia

    For those interested in a structured approach to responsible, or ethical, investing with regard to a variety of investment streams. This platform offers in-depth research into such areas to empower you to make informed investing decisions that best align with your personal values.

  • Superannuation Knowledge, Behaviour and Attitudes in Young Adults in Australia - Ali et al. 2014

    Feel like you’re on top of your super? According to Ali et al, that’s not a huge surprise, regardless of whether you are. This research paper offers an in-depth insight to the common reality of young adults overestimating their comprehension of superannuation in Australia.


Edition 9


Edition 7